Terminator: Genisys Trailer Out Now!

Ok so judge me however you want but Terminator 2: Judgement Day is, to this day, my favorite movie of all time. It has absolutely everything you would want in an action movie and the special effects still hold up, 23 years later.

When I heard they were making a third I was excited. When the fourth was released following a failed television series, it was obvious that the franchise had been milked as much as possible, and I assumed it would die after that. I was wrong.

Today the trailer for the the fifth installment, Terminator: Genisys was released and I’m excited again. Much like I was when I first watched Terminator 2 at the age of 6. The Terminator franchise needs Arnold and I need Arnold in the Terminator franchise. Have no fear though, he’s back… like he said he’d be.

What do you think of the trailer? How do you think this will fit into the overall story? The franchise needed to go back to what made it successful and I feel they have in many ways. I personally like how the new enemy resembles the T-1000 from Judgement Day. Maybe I’m just a crazy fanboy. See for yourself and let us know what you think.

-The BIG Jagooze

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