My Top 5 Marvel and DC Movie Villains

Hope everyone is full after Thanksgiving. I know I’ve had a lot of time to digest and lay in bed over the past few days. I’ve had a lot of time to think about Marvel and DC Movies and the fun of watching my favorite super heroes come to the big screen, but what’s a super hero, without a super villain to fight against? I’ve decided to list the top 5 Marvel/DC movie villains up to date based one 3 things; Visual presentation, Acting, and how similar they are to their comic book origin.


5. Magneto – X-Men: Days Of Future Past, X-Men First Class

The costume is outstanding, its not the bright barney outfit but still has the tint of purple. The acquisition of his helmet in “First Class” really set the mood for who Magneto was and how important the helmet is for his character. The young Magneto isn’t the one I grew up reading; I’m used to the white haired muscle bound Magneto; but the acting and the character focus on mutant rights is spot on. Fassbender has done a terrific job in the movies he has played in and definitely shines in these average X-men movies for FOX. Personally, I look forward to seeing him more as Magneto because I’m sick of the Hugh Jackman as Wolverine overkill….

winter soldier

4. Winter Soldier – Captain America: Winter Solider

Damn, how sweet did he look kicking Captain America’s ass? The shiny arms, long hair, eye paint, and the overall attire really capture who Winter Soldier is. Although there wasn’t THAT much dialogue the badass silence of the Winter Soldier is still pretty intimidating. There was tons of foreshadowing in Captain America 2 with the future of Winter Solider and what his role will be in the next few movies.


3. Bane – The Dark Knight Rises

When I heard bane was the villain for this movie I got nervous. Was he going to be the steroid ridden freak that Tim Burton did or was he going to be the Bane from Knightfall where he would implement a plan to break down the Bat? Sure enough we got to see an awesome villain who was pretty much well rounded in all three areas. The look was great, the mask didn’t cover the entire face and the menacing eyes when Bane interacts with people really emphasizes how dead he is ( DO YOU FEEL IN CHARGE?), the similarity to the comics was on point, and the best of all…the voice. I’m a big Batman fan but it was pretty cool to see them reenact the breaking of the Bat.


2. Joker – The Dark Knight

Ok, yea most of us know the deal here; when we saw the movie it sparked Halloween costumes for the next 5 years, so I don’t even need to gush about how awesome he looked. Christopher Nolan has had reports where he explained that Heath Ledger did a lot of side work and even took scenes into his own hands as the Joker. To know that a Hollywood actor put this much dedication and research in is definitely pleasing. And quite honestly playing the Joker required a special talent and individual who knew it took more than just acting, it required to have someone to understand how sick and twisted this character is. I can’t say whether or not this affected Heath’s personal life; but I admire his work for this film and was astonished how much he made the Joker such a awesome villain to root for.


1. Loki – Avengers, Thor 1 and 2

This sucks, it’s a tough decision but I decided to go with the actor who has a larger body of work as playing a villain. I might take heat for this but I’ll stick with Loki as my #1 villian. The look? Nailed it. The acting? On the money. Similarities to the comic? Exact. Loki is such a mischievous, sneaky , conniving, back stabber and Tom H. has it down pat. So many moment’s where it’s like..” WOW, what a sneaky bastard”; Trapping Thor in a glass cell, Posing as Odin at the end of Thor 2, even helping Thor fake his hand getting cut off. We’ve been spoiled as comic fans with this one, can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future.

Honorable Mention: Red Skull, Scarecrow, Green Goblin

Top 5 I’d like to see: 1. Doctor Doom 2. Galactus 3. Red Hood 4. Darkseid 5. Carnage

Do you agree? Disagree? Share your opinions. Thanks for reading.


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